Friday, June 24, 2011

Great Start to a Day!

So, this weekend is KWHSS. I decided back at the beginning of the year that I'd be attending. When I booked the flights I purposely booked a super early flight because they're usually on time and things flow without a hitch, I also wanted to attend the visit to the UNC Special Collections. I left a good amount of time between flights like I usually do. I even got up this morning feeling great!

Then I got to the airport. There was a huge line in front of the United Airlines desk, apparently it hadn't moved in about 20 minutes. I stood in line. I stood in line some more. And then my flight is delayed. What frustrates me the most is that there's no one around to help offer information to the people trying to get on three different flights. Eventually the people for the Washington flight get shuffled to the side and told to wait some more until a different flight was checked in.

When I finally made it to the counter they transfered me to a different flight through Philly. No UNC Special Collections visit for me /sadpanda.

On the up-side though, I've been booked onto the same Philly-Greensboro flight as Bruni which means we can start causing trouble even earlier!!!

Now, time for a VERY large breakfast at a super relaxed pace.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

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